Thursday, June 28, 2012

I cry a lot of Happy Tears...

I went through a stand still for almost a month, yikes! So heres the scoop..
THE PROLOGUE I was rapidly training to run my first 5K June 9th. I was walking, jogging, and running to prepare. On the 9th of June my daughter and I were up early. I made us both a great enriched Xyngular Lean Protien Shake, and we were out the door. Being my first race I really didn't know what to expect. A lot, and I mean A LOT of my Facebook friends were there to run and they all commented on my weightloss and how well I look. It was 2 minutes till the race would begin. I squeezed my daughters hand and "BANG" off we went running. So many people are fast, and the pace was set, I was probably about 150feet behind the herd of runners for the first half mile, than my legs began to wobble....I had to walk, but i ran my first whole mile, my goal is to finish. I never expected to run so fast, I started to walk, out side of a Salon in Salamanca is my friend, standing there, yelling go Andrea, cheering for me..I began to cry. Thank you Paige, you helped get me through. I walked almost the whole second mile, and than I began to jog the next, I went from a fast walk, to a slow jog, back to a fast walk, than back to a jog and than a sprint to the finish line. I finished! My Daughter finished way before me. My mother in law was there, my husband, son, and youngest daughter, they all where there. My phone rang my, it was my brother telling me good job. I talked to my dad, posted pictures on Facebook. My first 5K down' and now I know I need to learn to set my own pace to run the entire thing for next time.
I began doing insanity side by side with my Xyngular Core4 weight loss system. I skipped weighing myself for a week, so to my surprise the next week when I stepped on the scale I GAINED 4lbs... What the heck... I started restricting my diet and still worked out...DUH DUH DUH I wasn't gaining because my diet wasn't working I was building lean muscle tissue and that was showing on the scale. I've come so far, Im so disappointed. Insanity is literally kicking my ass. There are moves I can't do, physically can't. I'm beating myself up. I contact insanity which is beachbody....they told me to try a differsnt lower impact for right now....ok um I don't have a spare 300.00 but in a few weeks I will.
NEW PLAN I decide I will order it for the first full week in July. In the meanwhile back to walking, and running. I need to shed these extra pounds. I start the XYNGULAR IGNITE SYSTEM. Its an 8day cleanse, detox, kick start fat burner. It's strict. I started and by day 3 found my food addiction was stronger than me...RESTART! I restarted the Ignite. I went shopping to get the right foods so I was prepared ahead of time. I stepped on scale at day 4 and found those 4lbs were gone. Today is day 7. I stepped on scale today and down another 2lbs. What I notice the most is my belly is literally flatter, my thighs are more slender just above my knees, my face my double chin I look really different. I felt my hip bone. I haven't felt that since 1997. My body is transforming. One more day! First I can't believe I've followed this, but it's only eight days. The hardest thing is watching my children and husband eat my favorite foods around me.
PRACTICE BEGINS My husband is coaching soccer. I'm helping him. First night of practice was last night. 19 incredible kids. Little miracles each one of them, why? Because each one of them simply are "wonderful". These little souls will develop and foe 1 month we will inspire their growth. My husband and I worked well together with 2 other assistant coaches. It was so fun, the kids had fun. I love having the energy back in my life to do this. At the end of practice, I got in my car, my husband in his. He quickley got out and came over to my car. He leaned in the window, and kissed me. He said "good job tonight, you made me look good". I giggled. He hasn't done that, I mean he has, but the way he looked at me, the way he smirked, the way he kissed me, he hasn't don't that in years.
THE CONCLUSION I love life. I am exactly where I am suppose to be. Working in a wonderful Salon, I'm selling Xyngular products, and I'm being a mom. All in all I'm changing people's life's for the better, whether it's with their appearance through my talents in the salon, or their appearance with Xyngular products. This makes me happy, I cry a lot of happy tears, I smile a lot now!
THE PUNCH LINE If you ae inspired by my blog! Or would like to share your story with me; perhaps your looking to shed a few pounds, if your looking for a really good post workout supplement, or just want products that will better your all around life, I welcome you to visit my website If you are in my area, would like me to do your hair, than visit my Salon website
THE END, THE BEGINNING as always I sign my blogs with my own found motto, which is